The Plot: A couple of cops played by Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum look and act immature and when they forget to read Miranda rights after arresting a drug dealer they are placed in a special undercovee squad designed to infiltrate high schools and bring down major crime rings that operate within them. Along the way there are hi-jinks including the two accidently switching fake identities leaving Tatum as the smart chemistry student while Hill is the track star. You see Tatum playing every instrument in a full orchestra and the two engaged in a car chase with Hill dressed as Peter Pan. It takes a fairly simple concept that we have seen several times before, the buddy cop flick, and adds many elements to appease its audience which is obviously aimed at males 15-39.
What was good: I never thought I would say this... The chemistry of Hill and Tatum is dead on, I feel like I could watch these two read the phone book to each other and it would be entertaining. Tatum is especially funny and earns some points in my book because of his ability to laugh at himself. Ice Cube is perfect as a stereotypical pissed off black captain, but he himself points this out so it's all in good fun. Good plot, tons of fun.
"Have you ever fired one gun whilst jumping through the air?"
What was bad: Not a lot, you kinda know what you’re in for when you watch this. The major nitpick is the lack of strong female roles. All females are either fragile or sex pots, but that’s not who they are aiming for with this film. I couldn’t tell you Hill’s or Tatum’s characters real or fake names.
It’s fun, if you like modern comedies that curse and you don't mind watching a guy trying to pick up his severed penis with his mouth this movie is for you.
8 out of 10 piñata’s stuffed with drugs
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